Angular v13 logo

November 04, 2021

Originally published at blog.nrwl.ioExternal link icon

What's new in Angular v13!

It’s November and it has been six months since the last time we had a major version release of the Angular framework back in May 2021. The wait is over and Angular version 13 was just released. Let’s take a look at some of the features and changes released in this new version.

Form improvements

Better type checking for form control status

A new type called FormControlStatus was added to enable better type checking when working with form control statuses. This is a union type of all possible status strings for form controls. Up to now, we couldn’t benefit from Typescript type checking due to the AbstractControl.status being typed as a string and the AbstractControl.statusChanges being an Observable<any>.

Helpers to manage validators

Several functions were added to allow managing our form validators:

  • setValidators: Sets one or multiple validators by overriding the registered ones. It also accepts null for removing all registered validators.
  • addValidators: Adds one or multiple validators.
  • removeValidators: Removes one or multiple validators.
  • hasValidator: Checks if a validator is already registered.

All these functions also have an async version: setAsyncValidators, addAsyncValidators, removeAsyncValidators, and hasAsyncValidator.

Router improvements

Setting the routerLink directive value to null or undefined will now completely disable navigation. For HTML Anchor elements, it will also remove the href attribute. Before, the null and undefined inputs for the routerLink directive were equivalent to an empty string and there was no way to disable the link’s navigation.

Other improvements and changes

  • The router now supports question marks in query param values.
  • A new output for the routerLinkActive directive called isActiveChange is added. This new output emits whenever the associated link becomes active or inactive.
  • The loadChildren property in the route definition doesn’t support string values anymore. This has been deprecated for quite some time now and dynamic ESM import statements should be used instead.

Typescript 4.4.2 support

Angular 13 now comes with support for Typescript 4.4.2. Older versions are no longer supported. Make sure to have a look at the Typescript release notesExternal link icon for breaking changes.

Ivy engine FTW

After several versions of Angular transitioning to the Ivy view engine, the legacy View engine is no longer supported. Ivy is now the only view engine supported by Angular.

Existing libraries will be automatically migrated to use “partial” compilation mode and some metadata previously required for the legacy View engine will be removed.

Angular Package Format v13

The Angular Package Format (APF)External link icon is a specification of the structure and format of the Angular framework packages and it is also the recommended way of packaging any third-party library in the ecosystem.

With Angular 13, we also get a new version of the APF and these are some of the main changes in it:

  • Ivy “partial” compilation output is produced.
  • ES2020 output is produced (ESM2020, FESM2020).
  • UMD bundles are no longer produced.
  • Use the package exports with the subpath patternsExternal link icon feature from Node.js to conditionally expose the different available outputs per entry point.

Internet Explorer 11 is gone!

Back in late April, the Angular team shared an RFC to gather feedback on a path to deprecate and remove support for Internet Explorer 11. As a result, IE11 was deprecated in Angular 12 and its support has been completely dropped now with the Angular 13 release.

Build performance improvements

This release comes with several performance improvements to the build pipeline:

  • The persistent build cache for applications introduced in v12.1 as an experimental opt-in feature is now enabled by default.
  • Incremental builds performance was improved by avoiding re-analyze source files that don’t contain any Angular traits (Component, Directive, Pipe, Injectable, NgModule decorators).
  • Added support for inlining external Adobe Fonts.
  • Improved build performance by using ESBuild in the CSS optimization pipeline for component and global styles.
  • Improved build performance by using a combination of ESBuild and Terser to optimize bundles and global scripts.

Other changes

  • Node.js 16 was added to the node engines range versions supported by all Angular packages. Also, versions older than v12.20.0 are no longer supported.
  • New projects are now created using RxJS 7. Existing projects are remaining on RxJS 6 when migrating.
  • Component factories are no longer required to dynamically create components. The ViewContainerRef.createComponent now supports passing a component type directly instead of a factory. The existing signature that accepts a ComponentFactory is now deprecated.
  • The renderModuleFactory from @angular/platform-server is no longer necessary with Ivy and renderModule should be used instead.
  • The destroyAfterEach option of the Angular testing module teardown now has its default value set to true. This was introduced back in Angular 12.1 with a default value of false. Existing workspaces will be opted-out automatically with a migration to prevent breaking changes.
  • The Angular language service now supports autocompletion for string literal union types in templates.
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